Recently, I created a facebook page (in Chinese).

The following are the pictures of what I cooked.

Green Onion Pie (蔥油餅) 

 Creme Brulee (烤布雷)

 Tofu Pudding with Tapioca (珍珠豆花)

 Chicken Katsu (炸雞腿排)

Daikon Patty (蘿蔔絲餅) 

 Pan Fired Lobater with Butter (奶油炒龍蝦)

Dorayaki (銅鑼燒) 

 Glutinous Oil Rice (油飯)

 Chicken Don (親子丼)

 Gyu Don (牛丼)

 Leek Patty (韭菜盒子)

 Pepper Patty (胡椒餅)

 Mapo Tofu (麻婆豆腐)

 Milk Tea with Tapioca (珍珠奶茶)

Mooncakes with green tea stuffing (抹茶月餅)

 Mooncakes with Mung Bean Stuffing (綠豆碰)

 Mooncakes with Red Bean Stuffing (紅豆月餅)

 Noodle with Soybean Paste (炸醬麵)

Chicken Teriyaki (照燒雞排) 

 Don Katsu (炸豬排)

 Orange Chicken (橙汁雞柳)

Pearl Pillon (珍珠丸子)

Popcorn (爆米花)

 Stew Beef Shank Noodle (牛肉麵)

 Steamed Pork (粉蒸肉)

Taro Tapioca (芋圓)

 Tiramisu (提拉米蘇)

Two-Colored Steamed Bun (雙色饅頭) 

 Beef Patty (牛肉餡餅)

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