My name is Yu-Chin Hsu (許育進) and I am from Taiwan.  I got my Ph.D degree in May 2010 under Stephen G. Donald's supervision from Department of Economics, University of Texas at Austin.  I am currently a research fellow in Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, an adjunct professor in Department of Finance, National Central University, an adjunct professor in Department of Economics, National Chengchi University, and a researcher in CRETA, National Taiwan University. My research focuses on econometrics.  In addition to doing research, I cook, sing and needle felt for fun.

Contact Information

Institute of Economics
    Academia Sinica

    128 Academia Road, Section 2
    Nankang, Taipei, 115 Taiwan

    Office: 886-2-27822791 ext. 322
Fax: 886-2-2785-3946
    E-mail: ychsu(AT)

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